As i mentioned before, my audience will be girls aged 8-12. In order to construct a magazine for this demographic i must first ensure I understand what they want and expect. In the construction of my magazine i must be careful as at this age young girls are very impressionable, especially by the media. I chose this demographic because they are more likely to buy magazines than their older peers who prefer using the interernet for information, entertainment, personal identification and exchange (Uses and Gratifications theory).
Through my QuestionPro survey i didn't find much information that was relevant to my demographic. This is because i distributed it using the social networking site 'Facebook' and young girls do not use this and mostly use the internet for playing games. However, it did help me to establish a reasonable price for my magazine. Furthermore, I had to conduct my own research. I did this by doing a semi-structured group interview on 25 girls between the ages of 8 and 12. The research was useful as it informed me on what type of things girls expect from a music magazine.
The questions i asked helped me to understand what kind of women young girls aspire to and why. The women they chose included people like Beyonce. Beyonce is a succesful strong women who has never been in the public eye for the wrong reasons and it is easy to see why young girls want to be like her however, much of what they aspire to is her appeareance. Although it is understandable that young girls want to be beautiful, the extent to which they would go for this is phenomenal. During the interview the topic of plastic surgery arised and over 50% of girls said they would consider plastic surgery if they were not happy with their appearance. This result is what inspired me to push forward the idea of 'Real' women in my magazine.
Another thing i learnt about my audience through research is that they prefer men who present a feminine or softer look. e.g. Justin Bieber because they present a non-threatening look about them and girls feel comortable and equal to them. This shows us that even though these girls have been raised in a patriachal society which has been reflected in the media they consume. They still strive for equality.
Through my research i constructed an audience profile of my target demographic.
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